Project Summary
ReMIX Memory Specificity
It is important to point out that this new memory architecture is far
from being a simple memory extension to substantially increase the
memory capacity of a standard computer. The reasons are the following:
- The reconfigurable index memory is not a simple storage device. It
is enhanced with additional reconfigurable hardware resources for
tailoring its use according to the index characteristics and to the
data it manipulates.
- The reconfigurable index memory does not fit in the addressing
space of the processor. It is indirectly accessed by specific queries
submitted by the processor in order to execute crucial and costly
indexing subroutines.
- The reconfigurable index memory does not hold any cache
hierarchy, and therefore memory accesses do not have to worry about
the data locality. Memory read operations have a unique cost, whatever
the memory address, and whatever the previous memory accesses.
- Due to the FLASH technology, writing operation are limitted. It
only aims to periodicaly store huge volume of data while allowing
unlimitted read access.
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